A Search For Life's Meaning
Feb 26, 2025 • Brad Moseley
A Search For Life's Meaning (Ecclesiastes: Seeing Life in the Rearview Mirror)
Ecclesiastes 8
Wednesday Feb 26 Service
Brad Moseley
Sermon Points:
1. Search out what you can learn and know - vs. 1-9
A. 5 qualities of wisdom
1. Proper perspective -vs 1
2. Unspeakable Joy - vs 1
3. Proper restraint - vs 2-4
4. Godly discernment -5-7
5. Unnatural Humility -8-9
2. Accept those things God never intended for you to learn and know - vs. 10-17
A. Prosperity is fleeting vs. 10
B. Justice is certain - vs.11-14
C. Joy is in God - vs. 15
D. Stress is inevitable - vs 16
E. Understanding is beyond our reach - vs. 17