Kids at First Baptist Church of Moody are an integral part of our congregation and we believe in providing a space for all kids of all ages. In our Children's Ministry we worship together, learn scripture, and enjoy being together. All drop off and pick up for each of these departments is on the second floor of the Christian Life Center (CLC) at the check in station in the Children’s Room as you enter the glass doors.

Sundays & Wednesdays
Life Group
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Our Sunday School is broken into two separate classes: first and second grades and third and fourth grades. During this time, we sit down in our classes and spend time together, but also open up God's Word and hear a lesson.
Children's Church
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Our 10:00 am Children Church is open to kids age 3 - 4th grade. Your kids are sure to learn important information about living a life for Jesus and what it means to be a Christian. Our hope is to equip them with the head and heart knowledge to live for Jesus in a very lost world.
Wednesday Night
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Wednesday night we begin at 6:30 pm. Children are separated into two departments. Gopher Buddies (3-5k) and Children (1st-4th grade). All of the lessons they are taught come from Word of Life material. We rotate into three different areas- worship, game time and Bible lesson. Each group has leaders who are faithful to attend and love connecting with kids to promote Jesus in their lives! Pick up time is between 7:45 pm and 8:00 pm.